Buy the T-Shirt
You can still buy the t-shirt from the site!!

We have a few ones left in LARGE size

T Shirt
Buy the T-Shirt now!
"" Has Closed

Cockroach was a forum site that was around for 8 years from October 2000 until October 2008. It saw a lot of messages during that time, although most of them in the first couple of years. It became a lot quieter in the latter years with mainly just spammers posting messages!

So I decided it was time to close the site. It was fun while it lasted and some lasting friendships and relationships were formed because of the site, even although it was initally set up as a site to bitch about things. I guess much positive came out of the original negative slant.

All is not lost though. If you were a regular of the site and want to stay in touch with the other regulars etc. Go to the following forum set up elsewhere on this site:

TFYATDT Old Timers forum

Iain, 20 October 2008

Buy the T-Shirt
You can still buy the t-shirt from the site!!

We have a few ones left in LARGE size

T Shirt
Buy the T-Shirt now!