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Couple of Commodore related books

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:20 am
by Bazza
Not sure if these have been discussed before, but I only just came across them myself. I love reading about the old micro computer years (expecially the 80's) and these 2 books have a commodore focus (rather rare these days). I managed to get a signed copy of "The home computer wars" from the Author directly a few years ago as this was the only book I found that covered the home computer history from a commodore perspective (mainly the Vic20/C64) and thoroughly enjoyed that.

Check out
On the Edge: the Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore


FREAX: The Brief History of the demoscene (C64/amiga)

Can't wait to get my copies.

Re: Couple of Commodore related books

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:26 pm
by dgourlis
I already own the Commodore story book and it is of course, like a bible to me.
As for the second book, titled as Freax, well i cant thank you enough for pointing out such an interesting book. I believe it is what has been missing from the history of the warez groups, a most important, if not the most important factor for the expansion of the CBM in my opinion.

Are there any other books related to Commodore or the "scene"?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:16 am
by Bazza
Well, I can see this thread isn't as popular as some of the "Staff" threads, but I'll add more comment anyway ;)

I have received "Freax" and have started reading it. On the whole I'm very much enjoying the trip down memory lane, but I really feel the book could have done with a general proof read by a native English speaking editor or something.. Quite a few passages/sentences sound like Germlish (German English). I also wish the Author had refrained from any political comment, especially about Microsoft and Bill Gates. There is a glaringly obvious Libalous comment regarding Gates not knowing anything about "life" which has no place in a published account of anything and is rather amateurish prose not befitting someone who calls themselves a journalist. The author seems to also be of the opinion that Gates is to blame for the current laws that restrict "theft" of software. I'm not sure if the Author would approve of me copying his book and distributing it to my friends free of charge, but he seems to infer that should be acceptable practice. :)

Apart from that, the book is a wonderful trip of nostalgia and believe there is nothing else like it. It has wonderful screenshots and lots of them, but also does not skimp on details/text. A great read so far.

EDIT: Wow.. I just noticed I have now been registered on "this version" of the Zzap Rapp board for just over 3 years.. Where did the time go?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:39 am
by Professor Brian Strain
I have mentioned the "On the Edge" book in a couple of other threads, and I really enjoyed reading it.