The Zzap!64 logo and associated images are copyright Oliver Frey 1985 - 2024 and used here
with permission.
Get some of his art yourself on the official The Art of Oliver Frey site.
Thanks to Philippe Lesire for scanning in most of the Walker's
Diaries and also scanning in some covers, Charles Walkden for scanning a few things from issue 3, Alessandro
for scanning in lots of stuff from the early issues, Stephen Stuttard for scanning in just about every
issue! , Dimitris Kiminas for doing the editorials for 1990 to 1994, and putting the final touches to the
staff table page and donating the text from early reviews,
Mr. Zzapback for doing the Zzap, ZzapTest, ZzapRrap, ZzapBack logos and
Barry Flowers (aka Sixteen Plus) for the Zzuperstore logo.
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